After the holiday shopping spree
It seems New Year has been associated by many with buying something new for oneself and loved ones. Some buy new shoes, bags, and t-shirts for the sake of having something new to wear, or show off to others, and feel good about it. After the holiday buying spree, waste of all kinds, including gift…
Read MoreEnvironmental Human Rights Defender’s Guide Against SLAPP Suits
Environmental human rights defenders (EHRDs) are often the target of various forms of threats and intimidation. These threats and intimidation range from simple harassment to physical, mental, and psychological assault, including incarceration or worse – death. Many have fallen victim to extrajudicial killings, and illegal or warrantless arrests. In fact, the Philippines has notoriously been…
Read MoreWhat It Means To Lose Migratory Birds And Their Habitats In Manila Bay
Over half a century ago, life was teeming in Manila Bay. Fisherfolks enjoy the bounty of the sea as it is blessed with a variety of fish and marine species. Coastal residents gather seashells along its shores and the mangroves that nourish fish, shrimps and other organisms also act as a natural defense against strong…
Read MoreQuo Vadis, Manila Bay?
Manila Bay, known for its beautiful sunset, and historical significance, is also revered for its socio-economic importance and tourism value. The proximity of Manila, the country’s capital city to the bay, boosted the country’s tourism value, with airports and seaports strategically positioned around this vast body of water that stretches from Cavite to Bataan.…
Read MorePTMP (PUVMP) – On the Wrong Side of the Road
When one is on the wrong side of the road, s/he is traveling against the flow of traffic. It poses a significant threat to road safety, leading to countless accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Like wrong-way driving, without just transition and inclusive mobility, the Public Transport Modernization Program (PTMP), formerly the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program…
Read MoreAct for the Protection of the Environment and Human Rights
On August 17, National Nonprofit Day (NND) recognizes the goals and positive impacts nonprofits have on communities and the world. Nonprofits are groups of individuals who provide invaluable service, often for free or pro bono to the needy and with no capacity or means to access various government services. In the Philippines, volunteers as they…
Read MoreMangroves Ecosystem: A VICTIM OF PLASTICS POLLUTION
Photo from YoungBean Mangroves are species-building ecosystem that support biodiversity, climate regulation, and coastal communities. Along with seagrass and corals, mangroves enhance the food -production capacity of our coastal and marine areas, allowing humans to greatly benefit from the oceans bounty and helping ensure global food security. Mangroves are the community’s natural defense against the…
Read MoreManila Bay: The battle far from over
Fisherfolks group Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (PAMALAKAYA) and Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment (Kalikasan) recently submitted a Letter of Inquiry with a Notice to Sue to the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in connection with reclamation and seabed quarry projects in Manila Bay. The…
Read MoreOn Bt Corn, GMOs Importation in Relation to the CA Decision against Golden Rice, Bt Eggplant
In a decision on April 17 in the environmental case MASIPAG, et al. v. Secretary of DA, et al., with case no. CA-G.R. SP No. 00038, the Court of Appeals (CA) halted the commercial propagation of GMO crops, specifically Golden Rice, re-packaged as Malusog rice, and the Bacillus Thuriengensis eggplant or Bt eggplant. A former academician now…
Read MoreManila Bay: A region under siege
Manila Bay’s historical, socioeconomic, and cultural importance could never be over-emphasized, from being the site of the Mock Battle of Manila Bay in 1898, to being the subject of a Supreme Court Writ of Continuing Mandamus on December 18, 2008, to the ongoing Battle for Manila Bay launched on January 27, 2019, along with its…
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